Daily Prompt – Worldly Encounters

Worldly Encounters
The friendly, English-speaking extraterrestrial you run into outside your house is asking you to recommend the one book, movie, or song that explains what humans are all about. What do you pick?

What IS this obsession with “the one thing that”…

Humanity is a nuanced, complex bundle of interaction and reaction, of love and war and peace and death and violence and altruism that makes you cry and music that makes you cringe.

What one book or film or artwork could sum up that?

Our friendly alien would be best served by watching a year’s worth of television, all the Cannes nominated films, reading the Times best-seller list and eating food on all continents.

But if I had to put it all on one, I think I would go for Luc Besson’s “The Fifth Element”, which is, after all, about an alien discovering our world. Oh, and discovering love, good and evil, and sex. And has Bruce Willis at his most kick-ass. 

About bookmole
I am pro-choice. You make yours, I'll make mine, okay?