Reasons for Not Blogging

Still getting over chemo, still tired and brain not up to much. But am doing better, tumor removal scar is now healed, even though I still have one sunburned boob

Olympics. Man, when they throw that shit in your city, your whole life becomes dedicated to sports you never really thought about before. I mean, I knew I wanted to watch the diving and swimming for the eye-candy alone; same goes for track & field events. But who knew volleyball was such a great thing to watch? Alright, loads of you. But that loads did not include me, until now.

Having two weeks off for the Olympics should have meant more things to write about. But the weather was pretty pants, a good deal of the time. Not wanting to go and hang round central London (even though it was lots quieter than usual!) but I did manage a trip to Kensal Green Cemetery. I like cemeteries – they are peaceful, quiet places where one can sit and read without barking dogs, screaming children or flying footballs to distract you. I read the gravestones and remember the dead there – someone has to, especially on old graves. Plus I am weird and like to shout Brains! at passing strangers.

Have been to two big concerts – FatBoy Slim @ The Amex Stadium, Brighton and Swedish House Mafia @ Milton Keynes Bowl. Will do a bigger report when I am on my home computer with the pictures…

Won two sets of tickets to the iTunes Festival – didn’t make it to the first concert, but am going, with Eldest, to see Lana Del Rey! Pink performed there (first performance in over two years) and boy, did she rock! Worth checking out the stream while it’s still up.

More to follow, I promise.

About bookmole
I am pro-choice. You make yours, I'll make mine, okay?

4 Responses to Reasons for Not Blogging

  1. Angelia Sims says:

    I love P!nk! Saw her in concert a few years back – amazing. Hope you continue to improve and get better.

    • bookmole says:

      Thanks – I am improving, but slowly. Pink is truly a wonderful performer, who I have seen 4 times live now. Would have been five, but TicketWeb didn’t deliver the tickets and I didn’t realise… search my blog for Pink if you want the details.

  2. leendadll says:

    Lana Del Rey??????????? I am sooooooooooooo jealous!!!

    Glad to see an update from you. Glad you made it to Olympic events. When they were in LA, something went on just 5 or 10 miles from me but I didn’t even consider going. LA traffic + Olympic traffic? No thanks! But I totally regret not going to the Olympic village as it was open to the public.

    Please stay in touch. Email me if I can do anything for you (effini [at] yahoo [dot] com)

  3. bookmole says:

    Lana del Rey required photo id, which I don’t fucking have. Could not find my passport, don’t drive… no entry. But we went, me and MiddleSon, and tried to blag our way in. Failed. Got drunk instead. Sob

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