Clockwork Phoenix 4 – Editor Mike Allen

Clockwork Phoenix 4 by Mike Allen

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Meh. Though looking at the ToC, there were more stories that I enjoyed than I remember. Not really a recommendation, is it? So, my take on the stories I loved and loathed.

The Canal Barge Magician’s Number Nine Daughter – Ian McHugh – 4 star tale with magic and golems.
Beach Bum and the Drowned Girl – Richard Parks – 4 star take on Myffic Feems.
Icicle – Yukimi Ogawa – 5 star tale of love and redemption.
Lesser Creek: A Love Story, A Ghost Story – A.C. Wise – 5 star ghost story, very reminiscent of Stephen King and Ray Bradbury and in a very good way.
Lilo Is – Corinne Duyvis – 5 star tale of motherhood.
The History of Soul 2065 – Barbara Krasnoff – 5 star tale of Seder and Memory.

These were the ones I felt worth reading. The remainder are, for the most part, good well-written stories that didn’t quite get it right. However, I loathed Tanith Lee’s offering with a passion caused by a dreadful storyline fueled by great disappointment – Tanith is one of my favourite authors, so I was really looking forward to her tale. And then I wasn’t. Loathing caused by temper tantrum?

via Goodreads | Bookmole (Harrow, The United Kingdom)’s review of Clockwork Phoenix 4.